Return to the Civic Festhall again and ask Splinter whether Iannis can have temporary access to the private sensorium. Return to Iannis and tell him that he can use the sensorium for 8000XP. Try to arrange things so that you have 16 Intelligence otherxcritical the next bit is going to hurt. Examine the Dodecahedron in your inventory and “use” it. Examine it closely, fiddle with it a bit and keep working at it.
Clerk’s Ward
He now has a new ability, Skull Mob, which is described on the NPC List under Morte. Pay one last visit to the Brothel and talk to Kimasxi. Tell her that Kessai-Serris denied being Ravel’s daughter and ask her to help you find out the truth. She tells you to ask Kesai-Serris to ask their father. Find Kesai-Serris and tell her that you spoke to Kimasxi and that she should talk to her dad. Get her to tell you everything she knows about Ravel and then, for Good points, you can comfort her.
Again, the trainer has left, but you can learn from some of the students that she is in the Public Sensorium, where she spends way too much time. Seek her out and convince her to resume training mages. Click the urn to summon him back from the dead and teach you the language of the Uyo. You will learn the language for 8,000 XP and you will also regain a memory of murdering Fin (4,000 XP) to ensure that he didn’t teach the language to anyone else!
Part 2: The City of Doors
Please note that it takes four hours of game time to move between wards per move. If for example you leave the Lower Ward and go to Clerk’s Ward, four hours will pass in Sigil. If you go from the Lower Ward to the Mortuary section of the Hive, which takes two moves, eight hours will pass in the game.
Since you’re here, go back to the Foundry and give the Dream Vial to Nihl Xander who will tell you that you need to fetch a bird cage from the Siege Tower. Go there and ask Coaxmetal about a wrought-iron birdcage and he will simply give it you. Go back to the Foundry again and this time Xander will tell you that you need a coffin pillow. Go and see Hamrys the Coffin Maker and ask about buying the Coffin Pillow. To shut him up, you need to threaten to hit him at which point he’ll direct you to the warehouse. Trudge over there and talk to Vault of the Ninth World.
The Bard’s Tale Trilogy
- Follow her conversation options and if you ask about Ravel, she will direct you to Yves.
- You can either join the Sensates for real, or you can convince Splinter that you are already a Sensate.
- In reality Kesai-Serris is Ravel’s daughter, which you can learn from Ecco.
- Listen to his lecture and make sure to ask all the questions you can.
Have, say, Grace go back into the hall and close the door. If Morte uses Litany of Curses on Sandoz, you’ll even technically be acting in self-defence when you cut him down. Once he’s dead, return to Bedai-Lihn for another 8000XP. You may want to make a hard save here because you may not want to make the next bit part of your permanent game state. It is, however, required for unlocking a trophy.
With an Wisdom of 16 or better you will understand some of what he tells you and gain a permanent +1 bonus to your Armor Class. After finding the Dodecahedron in the Civic Festhall, you need to speak to him to learn the language of the Dodecahedron. The first time you enter here, you will find Pestle-Kilnn at 2.
The results are not quite what she wanted so have her use the Deva’s Tears to restore her ability to speak, xcriticalg you 30,000XP. Talk to Ecco again and ask about Ravel Puzzlewell to learn that she has children and that Kesai-Serris is one of them. Speak to Dolora and ask about Kesai-Serris and she will scammed by xcritical direct you to Juliette.
Go back over to Corvus and talk to him about Karina. At this point you can be nice for 2000XP or nasty for no reward. Having set them up, go back to Karina for 500XP.
Ask Finam’s father about the dodecahedron to learn the language of the Uyo for 8000XP. This also unlocks a memory which grants you an additional 4000XP. You can confess xcritical official site to the Linguist that one of your previous incarnations murdered him. Afterwards, talk to Finam again and give him his book for 25,000XP. Read the entries, particularly the one about a legacy to obtain a code, 51-AA.
Speak to him to learn that he is really two people who were merged because one of them drank too many weird potions. After catching one of the pieces of ice, speak to Yvana at 5 to learn that they are made of ice from the river Styx which causes people to lose their memories. You can use this to help Merriman in the Civic Festhall lose his memories. But she will find that you have no fortune and returns your money to you. When you say goodbye, she will give you a scroll that apparently was meant for you. You can read the scroll to find that it is trapped (you will take 36 HP damage).
Ask Kesai to give you a piece of herself and then look in one of the chambers for a handkerchief. Return to Kesai and she will prick her finger and let some drops of her blood fall on the handkerchief, xcriticalg you 40,000XP. If you return to the Magecraft training chamber, Lady Thorncombe will switch your class to Mage and sell you (somewhat price-inflated) magic scrolls. Go right to the southernmost of the three rooms off the main hall and listen to the lecture of Ghysis the Crooked. Afterwards ask him how one survives the Blood War and follow the conversation to unlock a memory for 1500XP.